Letter to Parents – 2nd January

Dear parents/carers I hope you have had a safe, relaxing and peaceful break over the Christmas and new year holiday. I am contacting you to confirm that school will be open as planned from Monday the 4th of January. Breakfast club will open at 8:00am for eligible...

Nursery Places

Notice to parents and carers of children under 5 in early years provision during the latest national coronavirus restrictions (5th January 2021) In line with DfE guidance, we will be offering places to children in early years for their usual hours from Monday 18th...

Testing of Staff in School

Dear parents/carer   From Monday the 25th of January, all staff at new Marske Primary School will be invited to take part in the national testing programme for primary school staff. This will involve staff taking two lateral flow tests during the week to help...

Remote Learning

Remote Learning During this period of national lockdown, from January 4th 2021, the school will deliver a series of blended learning activities for pupils in school and those working at home on remote learning. The main aim for these tasks is to: Ensure that all...

Remote Learning Survery Results

2nd February 2021 Dear parents Remote Learning Update Thank you to all parents who completed the remote learning survey sent out from school last week. The survey provided a great insight into the views of our parents and pupils and will be used in school to further...

Letters to Parents – 24th February

24th February 2021 Dear parents carers Return to school  I am pleased to let you know that after the Prime Minister’s announcement of a roadmap to recover from the impact of coronavirus, all pupils in all year groups will be welcomed back to school from Monday the 8th...