Our Curriculum

Our curriculum within school has been designed around 3 important areas.

  • Intent: the way the curriculum sets out the knowledge and skills that pupils will gain at each stage
  • Implementation: the way the curriculum is taught and assessed in order to support pupils to build their knowledge and to apply that knowledge as skill
  • Impact: the outcomes that pupils achieve as a result of the education they have received

To help our pupils access the wide range of subjects offered in the National Curriculum, the school uses Read Write Inc as its chosen phonic programme to support the development of high quality phonic skills in our Early Years and Key Stage 1.

Within our Read, Write Inc sessions, our pupils develop the phonological awareness, decoding skills and sight recognition to securely access a range of texts, before moving onto the develop further skills to develop their language comprehension.

The the intent of our curriculum is set out in our ‘Knowledge and Skills 2021’ document.  This clearly sets out the breadth and depth of the education offer provided by school. The document demonstrates that:

  • there is a solid consensus of the school’s leaders about the knowledge and skills that pupils need in order to take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
  • the curriculum is building towards and what pupils need to know and be able to do to reach those end points. Each year group has a clear set of knowledge that must be learnt and skills that must be developed.
  • the curriculum is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before and towards its clearly defined end points. At the end of each year an assessment is made of areas that have not been covered in year groups, so that the next stages of learning are not hindered by a lack of knowledge or skills.
  • the curriculum reflects the school’s local context by addressing typical gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills and incorporates the Relationship Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education objectives vital for ensuring that pupils can develop healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships, in all contexts, including online.

As well as providing clear information to teachers, pupils and parents about what will be taught within year groups, providing the starting points and end points of learning, the document also provides subject leaders with a clear focus to look at how a subject develops across school.

Curriculum Coordinators

Subject Leader Support
Curriculum Manager: Miss K. Allan
English Mrs J. Dent Mrs C. Pearson
Mathematics Mrs K. Lambert
Science Mrs R. Park Miss G. Pollock
Computing Mr J. Dooris
Physical Education and Sport Mr J. Dooris
History Miss K. Allen Mrs L. Patterson
Geography Miss N. Burns
MFL Mrs K. Lambert Mrs V. Lees
Religious Education Miss L. Birch Miss Z. Bennison
Art and Design and Design Technology Miss L. Preston Mrs R. Sadler
PHSE and Citizenship Miss L. McMeekin Mrs J. Myers
Music Miss N. Burns Mrs J. Morton


Please see below the suggested areas of study for each of the National Curriculum Subjects.

New Long Term Plan EYFS 

New Marske Curriculum Art

New Marske Curriculum Computing

New Marske Curriculum Design

New Marske Curriculum French

New Marske Curriculum Geography

New Marske Curriculum history

New Marske Curriculum music

New Marske Maths Objectives

New Marske Curriculum physical education

New Marske Curriculum PSHEE

New Marske Curriculum religious education

New Marske Curriculum Science

If you would like to find out any more information about the curriculum, please contact our curriculum leader (Miss K. Allen) via office@newmarskeprimary.co.uk