Drama Club
- Leader: Miss Allen
- Age Group: KS2
- Cost: free
- Time: 3:15pm until 4:15pm
A club developing a range of drama skills in pupil. The club builds to a termly production.
All Welcome Wednesday
- Leader: Simon Carson sports Coaches
- Age Group: pupils from Y2-Y6
- Cost: free
- Time: 3:15pm to 4:45pm
A multi sports club aimed at introducing pupils to a range of new and interesting sports.
(November and December and February and March)
- Leader: Mrs Lambert
- Age Group: pupils from Y1-Y6
- Cost: free
- Time: 3:15pm to 4:15pm
A dance club based on the popular ‘Clubasize’ craze involving glow sticks and pumping dance music.
Chess Club
- Leader: Miss McMeekin
- Age Group: KS2
- Cost: free
- Time: 3:15pm until 4:15pm
A club developing supporting pupils to learn and play chess.
Pass It Club
- Leader: Mr Dooris
- Age Group: pupils from Y3-Y6
- Cost: Free
- Time: 3:15pm to 4:15pm
A club looking at developing skills in sports where team work and ball skills are a key part of the game. this will cover sports such as football, rugby and hockey.
Hit it Club (Spring and Summer)
- Leader: Mr Dooris
- Age Group: Years 3, 4, 5 and 6
- Cost: free
- Time: 3:15pm until 4.15pm
A girls and boys club allowing pupils to train and play sports which involve hitting an object. The club will cover cricket, golf and baseball.