Communicating with Parents

Within New Marske Primary School there are three main methods used to communicate with parents. Each of these methods of communication have different purposes and will provide information in a variety of ways.

The main method of communication within school is via Arbor; the information management system in school to communicate with parent and hold information about pupils. Arbor can be accessed via the Arbor app, SMS or email. The school also has a school website, where information about a range of school activities can be accessed as well as Twitter to keep parents up to date about events in class and around school.

Methods of Communication Strengths
  • Weekly newsletter sent to parents via this service
  • Contact made with parents via email for documents to be sent electronically.
  • Both parents, or estranged parents can access the account, after replying to an invitation sent via email or text
  • Texting service can instantly inform parents about cancelled clubs or changes to the school day.
  • Payments for school services such as meals or trips can be made via the app.
School Website
  • Contains a range of policy documents and statutory information useful to parents.
  • Contains useful contact details for the school, the local authority and Ofsted.
  • Provides links to websites that contain information about school performance.
  • Contains information about the curriculum followed in school.
  • Contains detailed information about strategies employed within school to develop fundamental British values, E-Safety, safeguarding procedures.
  • A blog and news sections keeps parents up to date about events in school.
  • Anyone can access this site.
  • Instant up to date information about what is happening in school.
  • Photographs are used well to showcase work that takes place in the classroom.
  • Information from trips can be provided to parents in real time.
  • Secure access to the school’s accounts is provided by the head teacher.
  • Information from the accounts cannot be retweeted.

What information can I access?

Method of communication What is communicated How do I access this?
School Website The school website contains a range of statutory information which parents can access. It contains a range of policies which parents might need to access so that they can become fully aware of how the school works within certain areas such as:

  • Who’s who: information about staff within school.
  • SEND policy – information about how school provides support for pupils with special Educational needs and disability.
  • Local Offer – what parents and pupils can expect from the school to support pupils with special educational needs and disability.
  • Sports Premium Funding – information about how the school spends its sports premium funding.
  • Pupil Premium funding – information about how school spends its pupil premium funding.
  • Parental Contributions policy – information about what activities the school will charge for
  • Curriculum documents – information about the school curriculum followed by teachers.
  • Information about school performance – Links to Department for Education performance tables.
  • Ofsted – links to the previous Ofsted report.
  • Governors – information about how our governing body is constituted and how to contact them if you are interested in joining.
  • Rights Respecting School – how the school works within the United Nations Convention for the rights of a child and how this fits into our focus on fundamental British values.
  • Blossom Tree Nursery – information about the work of our nursery for 2 year old pupils.
  • Contact details for the school and other useful agencies.
Twitter Twitter is a method of communicating with parents informing them of up to date information about what is going on in class and around school. Teachers have access to accounts which will inform parents about what their children are doing throughout the day.

  • Activities taken by the class
  • Trips and events outside school that your children are involved with. For the first time parents were able to see real time pictures from school trips to Robin Wood and London.
  • Special visitors to school
  • Special events within school such as our Remembrance Service, Careers week or sports festivals.

The accounts within school are as follows. Parents, grandparents and friends can follow all of the accounts, but we recommend following the school account (@NMPrimary) and the account of the year group you have a connection with.

@NMPrimary Main school account
@NMLPh Year 5 and 6 account
@NMMPh Year 2, 3 and 4 account
@NMEPh Year 1 and reception account
@NMNursery Nursery and Blossom Tree Nursery

To follow the account you will need to log into Twitter. Type the account name into the search box. When you have accessed the account you will need to click follow. After you have completed this you will need to complete a form at the school office notifying school of your username on Twitter so that permission can be given by the head teacher to follow the account.

  • Within school Twitter is a secure account. That means you have to apply via the school to access the account. A form can be collected from the school office. It is then passed to the head teacher who allows the account holder to follow the school. This ensures that only people connected with the school can access the accounts.
Arbor Arbor provides the school with a secure method to communicate with parents. This can be done via email or text. As a school we tend to use the two systems for different purposes.


This system is used for

  • The weekly newsletter – this contains a variety of information about class assemblies, upcoming events, activities within school and important dates. The newsletter is send out every week. Parents who do not have a Arbor account will receive a paper copy of this newsletter.
  • Information about trips and other activities.
  • Contact with parents regarding absences, dinner money or other administration issues.


This system is used for

  • Urgent information which the school needs to inform parents or groups of parents about
  • Cancellation of a trip or in school activity.
  • Expected time of arrival for trips and activities.
  • School closure due to snow or system failure within school.
  • Parental reminder about a school activity.
  • Absences not reported to school before 9am
  • When you enrol your child at New Marske Primary School you will receive an email inviting you to register with Arbor. Simply click on the link, enter your details and create your password to set up your account.