Sport Premium

PE and Sports Grant Strategy Statement 2024/2025


This statement details our school’s use of the Physical Education and Sports Premium funding for the 2024/2025 academic year. This funding will be used to help improve the quality of Physical Education, physical activity and sport.

It outlines our Sport Premium Strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of the grant had within our school.

School overview

School name New Marske Primary School
Number of pupils in school 187
Academic year/years that our current Sport premium strategy plan covers 2024 to 2025
Date this statement was published September 2024
Date on which it will be reviewed December 2024
Statement authorised by John Dooris, Head teacher
Sports Premium Lead John Dooris
Governor / Trustee lead Phillipa Cook


Detail Amount
Sport Premium funding allocation this academic year (2024 to 2025) £17 500
Sport Premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable) £0
Total budget for this academic year 

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year

£17 500

Funding overview

Part A: Sport premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

The aim of the Physical Education and Sport Premium grant is to provide schools with opportunities to develop additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of physical education, physical activity and sport.

Within New Marske Primary School the key aims of the Sports premium grant are:

  • To provide increased opportunities for pupils to participate in competitive sport both inside school and outside of school, leading to an increased number of  competitors in cluster, Tees Valley and regional competitions.
  • To increase the opportunities for pupils of all ages to take part in sport outside of school hours.
  • The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
  • Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff teaching PE and sport

Academic Year: 2024/25 Total fund allocated: £17500 Date Updated: September 2024
Key indicator 1:

  • To provide increased opportunities for pupils to participate in competitive sport both inside school and outside of school, leading to an increased number of  competitors in cluster, Tees Valley and regional competitions.
Percentage of total allocation:
Intent Implementation   Impact Review
Increase opportunities for pupils to engage in activities within the Cleveland Schools Sports Partnership Commit to the CSSP SLA

School to enrol on all CSSP tier 1 sporting events over the year

Pupils or teams going through to tier 2 or tier 3 competitions will be supported by school with staffing and transport

£4500 CSSP ·
Pupils to adopt the ‘My Personal Best’ focusing on the following areas

  • Thinking Me
  • Healthy Me
  • Social Me


 My Personal Best to form part of the Friday celebration assembly

A display in the KS2 corridor to showcase pupils who have demonstrated positive elements of the My Personal Best approach


Complete PE

Y5 pupils to take part in Sports Leader Training Play leaders available at playtime and dinner time to help support pupils with sport and play Part of CSSP offer 17th October 2024
Total £4650
Key indicator 2:

  • To increase the opportunities for pupils of all ages to take part in sport outside of school hours.
Percentage of total allocation:
Intent Implementation   Impact Review
School open more often after school for activities to engage pupils in a range of sports and PE A range of clubs available after school to support the development of sport and PE with pupils, including:

  • Clubbercise
  • Football
  • Activity Arc
  • Cricket

Resources provided to engage pupils in a range of sports and activities

  • Cluubercise
  • Bocca
  • Baseball


Key indicator 3:

  • The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
Percentage of total allocation:
Intent Implementation Impact Review
PE and Sport to have a high profile across school, with pupils knowing about sports and activities they can take part in outside of school, as well as inside of school. Clear notices displayed on notice board giving details of sporting internal and external
activities.Keeping children and
parents informed of various sporting activities.Allowing children the
opportunity to attend clubs and activities and to be aware of when
they are taking place.Sporting achievement
certificates regularly
presented in assemblies
-Newsletters to be completed
Total £1500
Key indicator 4:

  • Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff teaching PE and sport
Percentage of total allocation:
Intent Implementation Impact Review
Staff able to effectively teacher and coach a range of sports including cricket, football, gymnastics and dance Specific CPD support to be provided for staff subject knowledge (Staff audit to be completed)

Support staff to receive relevant
support and training

Invest in Gymnastics CPD
for all teaching staff



PE and Sports Grant Strategy Statement 2022/2024

This statement details our school’s use of the Physical Education and Sports Premium funding for the 2022/2024 academic year. This funding will be used to help improve the quality of Physical Education, physical activity and sport.

It outlines our Sport Premium Strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of the grant had within our school.

School overview

Detail Data
School name New Marske Primary School
Number of pupils in school 211
Academic year/years that our current Sport premium strategy plan covers 2021/2022 to


Date this statement was published November 2021
Date on which it will be reviewed January 2023
Statement authorised by John Dooris, Head teacher
Sports Premium Lead Beverly Morris
Governor / Trustee lead Yvonne Joy


Detail Amount
Sport Premium funding allocation this academic year (2022 to 2023) £17 700
Sport Premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable) £0
Total budget for this academic year 

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year

£17 380

Funding overview


Part A: Sport premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

The aim of the Physical Education and Sport Premium grant is to provide schools with opportunities to develop additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of physical education, physical activity and sport.

Within New Marske Primary School the key aims of the Sports premium grant are:

·       To provide increased opportunities for pupils to participate in competitive sport both inside school and outside of school

·       To increase the sporting opportunities for pupils in all year groups

·       Ensure that pupils have access to at least 60 minutes of activity everyday, based on the 30/30 model

·       Increase the amount of activity in the wider curriculum, encouraging pupils to be active learners

·       To provide staff and pupils with a PE and sports curriculum that provides a clear progression of skills for all year groups; from EYFS to Y6.


Academic Year: 2020/21 Total fund allocated: Date Updated: February 2022
Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officers guidelines recommend that primary school pupils undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school Percentage of total allocation:
Intent Implementation Impact Review
To ensure that pupils take part in a range of physical activities within school leading to at least 30 minutes of activity – excluding specific PE lessons Staff to utilise Teach Active activities into daily teaching

·       Staff training to be provided by Teach Active (05/021/22)

Staff to use 5 a day resource to increase activity levels of pupils in class

£975 (TA)

£550 (5aD)


·       Pupils more engaged in learning

·       Less inactive minutes for pupils during school day

·       Resources used to reduce teacher workload

To promote the benefit of physical activity at home, leading to at least 30 minutes of physical activity Teach Active resources to be used for homework and remote learning activities £0 ·       Pupils engaged in physical activity outside of school

·       Sign posting to clubs and activities in local area

To develop the knowledge and understanding of all staff regarding the importance of 60 active minutes.

To upskill staff on ideas and physical activities to incorporate within classroom learning.

Arrange CSSP Staff to deliver “Active 60 minutes” staff training to all staff during a staff meeting.

·       A Tennison CSSP 01/12/21

£ 3060

As part of CSSP sports package

·       Increased staff awareness in the need for greater pupil mobility

·       Increased staff confidence in developing activities to support pupils to become more active

Promote increased physical activity for all pupils All year groups to be offered access to physical activity sessions outside of Physical Education lessons.

·       Y6 Bikeability

·       Y5/6 Football Winter and Spring

·       Y4/5/6 Cricket Summer

·       Y3,4,5, 6 Simon Carson Lunchtime Sessions Autumn term)

·       YR, Y1, Y2 Simon Carson Lunchtime sessions Autumn term

·       EYFS/KS1 Simon Carson Multi Sports Club (all year)

·       KS2 Simon Carson Multi sports Club (all year)

·       Y3/4 Afterschool gymnastics club (Aspire Gymnastics)

·       Change 4 Life Fun Club – TBA


£390 (SC lunchtime clubs)


SC after school clubs self funded

£690 (Aspire gymnastics)

·       All year groups to be offered an after school club to take part in, increasing opportunities for pupils to become more active
4 week ‘Keep Fit: Keep Healthy’ programme implement for KS2 pupils ·       Simon Carson sports to work with each class to deliver a 4 week programme to get pupils active and eating healthily after the pandemic

·       Activities linked to lunchtime club in school. The next class taking the programme will access a lunchtime club of activities

£2999 ·
Total £8664
Key indicator 2: The profile of PESSPA being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement Percentage of total allocation:
Intent Implementation Impact Review
Pupils to adopt the Spirits of the Games School Values within classroom learning

·       Passion

·       Self Belief

·       Respect

·       Honesty

·       Determination

·       Team Work



To promote the Spirits of the Games School Values within P.E. Lessons

Spirits of the Games School Value Stickers to be awarded by all Teaching Staff during classroom activities.








Spirits of the Games School Value Certificate to be awarded in weekly Celebration assemblies in line with CSSP Half Termly focus


13 per pack of labels










£0 – B.M. to source

Increased pupil recognition and achievement of life skills promoted through the Spirit of the Games Values








Increased interest amongst pupils to achieve personal best within P.E. lessons.


Y5 pupils to take part in Sports Leader Training CSSP to train Y5Sports Leaders (R. Easton to delivery training sessions 26/01/22


Y6 Lunchtime Buddies to supervise lunchtime play amongst KS1 & Y3 pupils


Funded through CSSP

More children active during lunchtime



Increased physical activity amongst KS1 pupils

Sports leaders to support year groups from Feb 2022
Promote physical activity at home Set Physical activity challenges as homework.

(B.M. to source YST home learning lesson plans)


CSSP to provide PE bags/skipping ropes for home learning activities



Funding implications is resources purchased

More children active after school





Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport Percentage of total allocation:
Intent Implementation Impact Review
Pupils to receive high quality PE lessons CSSP Team Teach Staff during PE lessons – T.A. to Team Teach N.B. in Spring 2022




Aspire Gymnastics to deliver Gymnastic lessons (Staff to remain in lessons to receive CPD)









Pupils to receive high quality PE lessons.

Increased confidence within all staff to deliver high quality P.E. lessons.


Pupils to receive high quality gymnastic lessons.

Increased confidence within all staff to deliver high quality gymnastic lessons.

All staff to confidently deliver high quality P.E. lessons Complete P.E. – used as a scheme of work across the school.







Clear long term plans used in PE across whole school, with a clear focus on the progression of skills

·       Review of Long term plan in Spring 2022

£1075 High quality resources used to support all staff across all classes


Resources used to support teachers when delivering different aspects of PE – particularly dance and gymnastics







To be used from Feb 2022


Key indicator 4: Increased participation in competitive sport Percentage of total allocation:
Intent Implementation Impact Review
All pupils to have the opportunity to participate in sporting festivals and/or competitions.

·       Festivals to involve the whole class: Cross Country, SAQ

·       Competitions to include selected teams: football, tag rugby, netball, cricket

Attend Festivals and competitions organised by CSSP


Promote “House” Competitions within P.E. lessons for all year groups  – end of module competitions ie. football match, tag rugby, rounders



(Offset cost against sports coordinator to plan and organise activities)P

More pupils engaged in competitive sport

More pupils engaged in sporting activities



More pupils engaged in competitive sport


Boys entered in the Cleveland Cup football competition (09/10/21)

Mixed team entered in tag rugby (06/10/21) Progressed to finals

Girls entered the Cleveland cup competition (04/11/21)

Mixed Y1/2 team entered in gym/dance competition (Dec 2021)

Boys football league postponed due to covid (Nov 2022)

Y2 Super Hero day – Saltburn Leisure centre (10/02/22)

Signed off by
Head Teacher: John Dooris
Date: 15/12/21
Subject Leader: Beverley Morris
Date: 15/12/21
Governor: Yvonne Joy



In 2020/2021 New Marske Primary School received £18 030 from the PE and Sports Premium Grant. This money is used to develop and support the provision of good quality sporting activities for pupils and high quality professional development for teachers so that the legacy of this funding can continue.

The funding has also been used to provide a range of sporting equipment to support a range of sporting activities, provide effective CPD for staff in the area of sports and physical education, as well as providing the funding of transport to sporting activities.

The PE and Sports Premium Grant has been instrumental in allowing the school to maintain the Sainsbury’s School Games Gold Award for 2020/21. This is in recognition of the good quality sports and physical education at school, the links with the wider community and it on going commitment to good quality sports coaching.

Although the full benefits of the PE and Sports Premium Grant could not be seen due to the impact of the global coronavirus pandemic, from September until March the funding was used to provide:

Use of funding Impact Cost Link to key priority
Specialist sports coaching for classes.
  • Increased confidence, skills and knowledge of school staff with more staff being willing to lead school wide sporting activities
  • Increased time spent on physical activities for all classes. Each class received one extra term of physical activity. The plans for an extra term of physical activity was stopped by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Classes received specialist coaching in a range of sports leading to greater success at partnership activities
  • Clear coordination between Level 1 (School), Level 2 (Partnership) and Level 3 (Tees Valley) sporting activities
  • Release time for teachers to observe specialist teaching in coaching sessions


  • engagement of all pupils in regular physical activities
  • increase the confidence, skills and knowledge of all staff in teaching physical education and sport
  • introduce pupils to a wider range of sports and activities
  • increase participation in competitive sport
This coaching also provided the opportunity for our staff to work with a specialist sports teachers to learn how to use the selected sports equipment and lead activities. During the course of this year this has led to staff leading school wide sessions with pupils and parents during sports festival activities. Over the year the school staff received training in the area of Gymnastics and Dance from the Cleveland Sports Partnership and Caroline Grace (Dance). Further training and support was planned for the summer term, but due to COVID-19 this did not take place.
Service Level Agreement with the Cleveland Sports Partnership
  • Provision of PE coordinator networking allowing PE coordinator to liaise with other coordinators
  • Provision of a range of school, partnership and regional competitions
  • 91% of Year 6 have attained at least a level 1 qualification in ‘Bikeability’
  • increase the confidence, skills and knowledge of all staff in teaching physical education and sport
  • increase participation in competitive sport
The Cleveland Sports Partnership allows the school to compete with our three neighbouring primary schools, followed by the opportunity to compete with other clusters.
Clubs and activities funded or part funded by the school to enhance the quality of sports and PE provision.
  • The Caroline Grace School of Dance lead a ‘Street Zumba’ dance class for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Approximately 25 pupils regularly attend this club increasing coordination and out of school activity
  • Simon Carson Sport Coaching – termly sporting reward for house teams,  motivating pupils to follow the school reward system.
  • Clubs within school focusing on Change for Life, Football and Cricket which are free to participate in, as well as Simon Carson Sport Coaching who come into school on a Wednesday offering multi sports at a small cost.
  • engagement of all pupils in regular physical activities
  • introduce pupils to a wider range of sports and activities
Replacement and refreshment of sports equipment, so that our pupils have a range of games and activities to play in PE lessons and at lunchtime.

(The summer pupil survey 2019 indicated that pupils felt that playtime and dinner time could be more active in school).

  • Pupils have access to a range of good quality resources. After the initial survey, this led to the school investing in a range of games and activities for child
  • Year 6 sports leaders support younger pupils across school to play games and activities at lunchtime, reducing disruptive behaviour in the playground.
£1500 for resources
  • engagement of all pupils in regular physical activities
  • introduce pupils to a wider range of sports and activities
  • Clear link provided between healthy eating and staying active
Vehicle hire to transport pupils from New Marske Primary School to various sporting locations to compete.
  • Pupils are able to participate in partnership and Tees Valley activities
  • engagement of all pupils in regular physical activities
  • introduce pupils to a wider range of sports and activities
  • increase participation in competitive sport
As New Marske Primary School is situated on the outskirts of Redcar and Marske, this means that there are always difficulties getting pupils to sporting locations in school time or after school. Our three local primary schools have a 10 minute walk to get to the local secondary school, the location of most partnership activities, whereas New Marske Primary School require a 15 minutes bus journey. This funding has been used ensure that New Marske Primary School plays and active part in all competitions. Due to COVID-19, there less cost was expended in this area.
Purchase of school sports kit to allow pupils who have forgotten PE kit to participate in activities

Purchase of new school Football kit when sporting teams represent New Marske Primary School.

  • Less pupils miss PE due to forgetting sports kit
  • Pupils recognise that forgetting sports kit will not mean they will miss PE
  • increased esteem of school teams – the new kits were used for the first time at the Brotton Carnival 2019
  • engagement of all pupils in regular physical activities
  • introduce pupils to a wider range of sports and activities
The school’s pastoral support worker carried out some research in September that identified that a significant proportion of pupils who fail to bring in PE kit for sporting activities were pupil premium pupils. As a school we were very conscious of pupils not being able to participate activities in sporting activities without suitable sports equipment. In October 2019 the school purchased a number of school sports kits in different sizes so that all pupils can participate in sports activities within school. The pastoral support work has implemented a system where pupils who forget a sports kit can use a school kit, with parents being notified about the failure to bring a sports kit.