Key Aims
The key aims of physical education and sports provision at New Marske Primary School are to:
- engage all pupils in regular physical activities
- increase the confidence, skills and knowledge of all staff in teaching physical education and sport
- introduce pupils to a wider range of sports and activities
- increase participation in competitive sport
The impact of these aims across school will be seen in physical education, sport and more importantly across the whole curriculum.
Within New Marske Primary School Sports and physical activity is very important as this provides our pupils a ‘physical literacy’ which will enable them to develop a healthy, active lifestyle with a lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.
Physical and Sports Education
All classes take part in at least two hours of PE per week, with classes working in paired year groups to take part in PE lessons. The benefits of working in paired groups are:
- More staff can be used to ensure your children work in smaller groups
- More opportunities can be provided to assess pupils with their skills, placing them into appropriate differentiated groups when needed.
Funding from the PE and Sports Premium has been used to allow New Marske Primary School to enter into a service level agreement with the Cleveland Sports Partnership, a cluster of local primary and secondary schools, to allow our pupils to take part in a range of intra school (within our school) and inter school (competing against other schools) activities. This provides our pupils with the opportunity to develop competitive skills within our school environment, as well as competing against pupils from other schools. The work with the partnership allows our school to meet one of its key aims of increasing participation in competitive sport. Over the course of a years, there are around 15 competitions for pupils in different classes to compete in through our sports partnership involving over 200 of our pupils.
The partnership also provides a range of specialist coaches and teachers to introduce pupils to a range of different sports including judo, dance and gymnastic.
Sports Partnership Activities
Over the course of a year various year groups will compete in areas such as tri golf, football, indoor athletics, speed and agility, tag rugby, swimming and netball within our school and against other schools.
Sainsbury’s School Games Award
In July 2016 New Marske Primary School was awarded the School Games Mark Gold Award for the standard achieved for its sports provision across school. Since then it has continued to receive the Sainsbury’s schools games gold standard for sport and PE. The award recognises the opportunities given to all pupils to partake in physical education. The criteria to attain the gold standard is:
Commitment to a minimum of 2 hours of physical education per week
Participation in intra-school competitions (within school)
Participation in inter-school competitions (external competitions)
Leadership schemes
Extra-curricular clubs
Promotion of external providers
Provision in place to develop ‘Gifted and Talented’ children
Promotion of results and reports for newsletters/website
Continued Professional Development of wider school staff to support PE
We are very proud of our award and look forward to another great year full of sport and fun!