All pupils from Y3 upwards have access to Brainpop. Brainpop is a fantastic resource that uses two characters – Tim and Moby, to explain concepts as diverse as ‘Rainbows’ and ‘Division’ to ‘Martin Luther King’ and ‘The Digestive System’. The site uses a range of short films to explain concepts, ideas, people and events in a child friendly way and then links this into games, quizzes and other activities.

Pupils do have to log into the site to access resources and they do have to have been allocated a class by a teacher. This will have now taken place in school, with pupils being aweare of their class and password. Once in, they can be set tasks, can make their own films and mind maps and carry out a range of activities in a fun and engaging way.


Click here to go to the Brainpop log in page

Click here to find some information for parents about